Fibermech division of Mercurio 200 S.r.l. - Privacy policy e cookies

Privacy Policy


1.      Data Controller

2.      Types of Processed Data

3.      Purpose

4.      Legal Basis for the Processing and Consequences in the case of Failure to Provide the Consent

5.      Methods of Data Processing

6.      Data Retention and Transfer

7.      Transmission of Data.

8.      Rights of Data Subjects


EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation) requires users to be informed with regard to the processing of the provided Personal Data. According to the regulation, this processing shall be based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, and protection of your privacy and rights. In accordance with Art. 13 GDPR (EU/2016/679), we provide you the following information:


Data Controller

MERCURIO S.r.l. - Fibermech division, with registered office in Via Mauro Macchi 8, 20124 Milan (MI), VAT No. 02425450034 (hereinafter Fibermech), as Controller, will process the personal data provided through the website in accordance with the applicable legislation on privacy and personal data protection.


Types of Processed Data

The Data object of processing are Personal Data, such as:

  • User’s contact details - name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, the content of the message and other personal data that the user might have provided when filing the contact form.
  • Browsing data - log, source IP address and visited pages.

Fibermech, in accordance with Art. 9 of the GDPR (EU/2016/679), does not require users to provide so-called "particular" data, i.e. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, nor does it process genetic data, biometric data which allow the unique identification of a natural person, data concerning health or a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.



Personal Data shall be processed for the purposes indicated below:

  • Processing of requests received based on the voluntary filing by the user of the contact form
  • Promotional, commercial and marketing activities (where the user gives separate and explicit consent to that purpose). 


Legal Basis for the Processing and Consequences in the case of Failure to Provide the Consent

The processing of user’s data is lawful and is based on:

  • To the aims of preceding point 3 nr. 1), on the implementation of pre-contractual and contractual measures with regard to transmitted personal data;
  • To the aims of preceding point 3 nr. 2), on the consent as expressed by the user.

The provision of personal data is strictly necessary for the performance of the activities referred to under point 3 nr. 1), and the refusal of the user to provide and process such data prevents Fibermech from processing requests for information or services offered by the Controller.

With reference to the purposes of the processing referred to under point 3, nr. 2), the consent to data processing is merely optional and may be expressed by ticking a specific box at the bottom of the form to be filled in. Failure to give consent will exclusively imply the impossibility to receive informative and promotional communications (including the "newsletter") from Fibermech.

The user may, in any case, revoke any consent given for the purposes described in point 3, nr. 2), by contacting Fibermech at the e-mail address specified at the end of this information notice or also through a link at the bottom of any e-mail with a promotional content by Fibermech.



Methods of Data Processing

Data will be processed both by computer and/or electronically and on paper support, in any case by means of instruments suitable to guarantee data’s security, confidentiality, and integrity.

Data relating to the IP address will be processed exclusively in anonymous form and for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to monitor its correct functioning.



Data Retention and Transfer

Personal Data subject to processing shall be stored for the time necessary to carry out the existing business relationship and for the ten (10) years following the acquisition of the data.

IP address data shall be deleted immediately after processing.

Data will be processed and stored on servers within the EU belonging to the Controller and/or third-party companies appointed and duly appointed as data processors. Currently, the servers are located in Italy.



Transmission of Data

Personal Data shall not be disclosed but shall be made accessible for the above-mentioned purposes to the following subjects:

a) to employees or collaborators of the company in their capacity as authorized persons and/or internal processors and/or system administrators

b) third parties that perform outsourcing activities on behalf of Fibermech, in their capacity as external processors.



Rights of Data Subjects

Pursuant to Articles 15-22 of the GDPR (EU/2016/679), with reference to the transmitted Personal Data, Data Subjects have the right to:

a) Request access to the Data

b) Request Data correction

c) Request Data erasure ('right to be forgotten')

d) Obtain restriction in Data processing

e) Oppose the processing of Data

f) Revoke the previously expressed consent to the processing of data

g) Complain to the Supervisory Authority

Data Subjects may exercise their rights by means of communication to



Cookie Policy



1.    The Data Controller

2.    What are cookies?

3.    What cookies does the Site use?

4.    Method of acceptance

5.    What are Social Buttons?

6.    Browsing without cookies and managing preferences


This Cookie Policy aims to offer a comprehensive information about cookies and how they are used by MERCURIO S.r.l - Fibermech division.


Data Controller

MERCURIO S.r.l. - Fibermech division, with registered office in Via Mauro Macchi 8, 20124 Milan (MI), VAT no. 02425450034 (hereinafter Fibermech), as Data Controller, will process the personal data provided through the website (the "Website"), in accordance with the applicable legislation on privacy and personal data protection.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are sent to the browser in use and stored on the device of the user visiting a website such as Cookies allow an efficient operation of the Site and improve its performance. In addition, they provide information to the Data Controller of the Site for statistical or advertising purposes, mainly to customize user's browsing experience by storing user's preferences (for example, language set or to recognize the user on the next visit).

Cookies can be classified according to their origin, whether first-party or third-party; their duration, session or persistent; and finally, their purpose, i.e. technical or profiling.


What cookies does the Site use?

Fibermech, as Data Controller, in compliance with national and European personal data protection laws, informs users that the Website uses so-called "technical" cookies, i.e. cookies that allow the navigation of the Website and its proper functioning. In case of removal of technical cookies through the browser settings, navigation within the Site may not be possible, fully or partly.

In particular, the Data Controller uses "first-party" technical cookies (i.e. set up and managed by Fibermech) and "third party" technical cookies (i.e. set up and managed by third parties according to its privacy policies and not under Fibermech's control), each of which has a specific function, as specified below:

  •  Navigation cookies

 Navigation cookies are first-party technical cookies and are necessary for the operation of the Site: from the first access they allow the Site to function properly and allow the user to view content on its device by recognizing the language and the country from which the user chooses to connect.

  • Functional cookies

Functional cookies are first-party technical cookies that allow the user, on the basis of an express consent, to be recognized on subsequent accesses, so that he/she does not have to enter his/her data on each visit. Functional cookies are not essential to the operation of the Site, but they enhance user’s browsing        experience.

  • Analytical cookies

 Fibermech uses technical (statistical) cookies from Google Analytics. These cookies collect and transmit information in an anonymous manner about user’s browsing behavior (for example, frequently visited pages, recurring patterns of navigation), helping Fibermech to understand any difficulties encountered in the  use. These are third-party cookies and link the Site to other websites (in this case to Google Analytics tool) that have their own privacy policy (available at the following link: These privacy policies may be different from that adopted by the Site, which therefore is not responsible for third-party sites.


In particular, the Site uses the following analytical cookies:


Type: Http

Expiration: 2 years


Purpose: anonymous analysis of browsing statistics


Type: Hhttp

Expiration: session (the cookie is deleted when you close your browser)


Purpose: anonymous analysis of browsing statistics


Type: Http

Expiration: session (the cookie is deleted when you close your browser)


Purpose: anonymous analysis of browsing statistics

Read more about Analytics cookies and privacy - Add-onto disable Google Analytics.

For more information on Google Remarketing, you can visit

For more information about Google's Privacy Policy and Principles, please visit

You may revoke your consent to the collection and storage of data at any time. The user can deactivate the use of cookies by Google through the specific setting options of different browsers by installing the browser add-on:

Finally, users are informed that the Site does not use any type of so-called "profiling" cookies.


Method of acceptance

As specified in the brief information provided in the banner, the user may give its consent to the use of cookies in a simplified form in the following ways: a) by clicking on the "OK" button; b) by selecting the cookies that it wishes to authorize; c) by closing the banner by clicking on the "X" button; d) by scrolling down the page or clicking on any element of the contents within the pages of the Site.

By continuing to browse and leaving this cookie policy without a specific consent, you are giving your consent to all cookies.


What are Social Buttons?

Social plug-ins are buttons depicting social network icons, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, etc., which allow you, for example, to interact and share content directly on your social profile.

The Site contains the LinkedIn widget that allows the user to be redirected to Fibermech LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn information:


Browsing without cookies and managing preferences

Most browsers are configured to accept, manage, or possibly disable cookies through their settings. Please note, however, that disabling navigation or functional cookies may result in the unsatisfactory functioning of the Site and/or limit the service we offer.

The following is what is indicated by Data Protection Authority: regarding some possible options to surf without cookies:

  •  Block third-party cookies:

Third-party cookies are generally not essential for browsing, so the user can refuse them by default, through appropriate functions of its browser.

  •  Enable the "Do Not Track" option:

The "Do Not Track" option is present in most of the latest generation of browsers. Websites designed to comply with this option, when activated, should automatically stop collecting some of your browsing data. As mentioned, however, not all websites are set up to respect this (discretionary) option.

  •  Enable "anonymous browsing" mode:

With this function the user can navigate without leaving any trace of navigation data in the browser. The sites will not remember the user, the pages visited will not be stored in history and new cookies will be deleted.

However, anonymous browsing does not guarantee anonymity on the Internet, because it only serves to keep your browsing data out of your browser, while your browsing data will continue to be available to website operators and connectivity providers.

  •  Delete cookies directly:

There are special functions to do this in all browsers. However, it should be remembered that new cookies are downloaded every time you connect to the Internet, so you should delete them periodically. Some browsers offer automated systems for the periodic deletion of cookies.

Each browser has different procedures for managing cookies; below are links to specific instructions for the most popular ones:

However, please be advised that disabling this may result in the inability to use certain parts of the  Site.


Updated in October 2020